Guest Book

Please feel free to sign my guestbook to let me know you visited!

  Name : Peter Harvey
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : We have one of your pups Oskar
Comments : Having a lovely time with him and think of you guys often, especially as his 2nd birthday approaches.
Date : 12-Jun-24

  Name : Montanna
Web Site : http://n/a
Country : Australia
How you found us : Puppy Search On GOOGLE
Comments : I would absolutely love one of your puppies , they are very cute and look very well looked after. I cant wait to hear back from you and to maybe get my very own Airewood puppy!!
Date : 2-Apr-21

Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Alice Wilkes-WA breeder
Comments : Hello Lyn, I have purchased an Airedale puppy from Alice recently. His father is from your stock (Bing). Great to look at your dogs and see relatives to my Mr Bingley.
Date : 13-Apr-20

  Name : Brooke Harris
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : My Mum
Comments : I absolutely love these dogs and would love one. Just wondering when you have puppies for sale.
Date : 18-Jun-18

  Name : Vicki Land
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Internet
Comments : Hello, Just an enquiry about the possibility of purchasing a Welsh Terrier in the next six months. I live in NSW but plan to be in Victoria in September - October, 2017. Regards, Vicki
Date : 29-Mar-17

  Name : Alice Wilkes
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Bought 'Lady' from you
Comments : Hi Lyn and Colin, we had "Precious Lady' from you October 2016. She of course is now 16 months old and the love of our lives. She has so much personality, her own mind and we are so proud of her when she is out meeting people. Love to you both, Alice & Bob
Date : 10-Dec-16

  Name : Ray & Helen Gordon
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Online
Comments : Looking for a puppy to love in the future in about 6-12 months. We are in our 60-70's, but we have had larger breeds in our past, but now want to easily have our dog inside with us to be our beautiful companion. My grandfather had a Welsh Terrier when I was a teenager & I adored him. Kind Regards, Helen
Date : 18-Oct-16

  Name : Gareth Weldon
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Vic Breeders Listing
Comments : Hi There, My wife and I would love to know if you are likely to have any Welsh terrior pups anytime in the near future? I grew up with Airedales, my parents had three over many years and I have always wanted to eventually have one of my own for my family. ( Once you have owned an Airedale, no other breed is likely to compare 🙂) Our little son recently turned four and we are planning to get a Welsh terroir in the next year or so as our first family dog but haven't found any here in Perth. Looking forward to hearing back from you or any advice you can give. Regards Gareth and Michelle
Date : 13-Oct-16

  Name : Paul Harris
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Vic Breeders Listing
Comments : Hi, Have you any Welsh Terrier puppies due soon and what is the cost, our 12.5yo Airedale passed away recently and we would love a new puppy.
Date : 29-Sep-16

  Name : Anna
Web Site :
Country : Australia (Vic)
How you found us : Online
Comments : Hi there, We are interested in getting a Welsh Terrier. Can you tell me if you have a litter due sometime in the next 6 months. We live in Melbourne. Regards, Anna
Date : 30-Apr-16

  Name : Shirley Rosie
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : on this web site
Comments : I am looking for a companion Welsh Terrier, I am enquiring if you will have some puppies ready for sale later this year or early next year. I live at Nelson Bay NSW. Cheers Shirley
Date : 30-Mar-15

  Name : Leanne
Web Site :
Country : Australia, Vic.
How you found us : I think I have one of your dogs.
Comments : I'm pretty sure you bred boy Doogal. He is 13 now, a bit hard of hearing and has some night blindness. He is a beautiful boy and is my world. He has never lost his love of life or his need of a good game of throw my toy, ball, stick or anything not nailed down !! He has had 2 strokes in the last 12 months, I have been lucky both times that he has made a good recovery. Unfortunately my husband and I divorced and in all the upheaval I have miss placed his papers. I think part of his kennel name was Power of one?? Does this mean anything to you??? I would love to know for sure if you were his breeder. Cheers Leanne
Date : 2-Jan-15

  Name : tyra gw
Web Site :
Country : usa-alaska
How you found us : surfing for airedales
Comments :
Date : 21-Jul-14

  Name : Bernadette Holmes
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : purchased a puppy from you
Comments : Humfry came into our world in 2003. He was a bright loveable rogue who entertained everyone he met. He was a member of the Dog Obedience Club in Orange,NSW. He loved flyball and enjoyed performing in dog obedience demonstrations set to music at local shows around the area. He was my best friend and a constant joy. He passed away in March this year after a valiant battle against cancer. I wanted to thank you for breeding the best dog in the world.
Date : 23-May-12

  Name : Bernadette Holmes
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : purchased a puppy from you
Comments : Humfry came into our world in 2003. He was a bright loveable rogue who entertained everyone he met. He was a member of the Dog Obedience Club in Orange,NSW. He loved flyball and enjoyed performing in dog obedience demonstrations set to music at local shows around the area. He was my best friend and a constant joy. He passed away in March this year after a valiant battle against cancer. I wanted to thank you for breeding the best dog in the world.
Date : 23-May-12

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Contact Details
Lyn & Colin Duff
Hazelwood North, VIC, Australia
Phone : 03 51661549
Email : [email protected]

Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies