About Us
Pictured above is our foundation bitch Ch Daveter Rock Follie [Petunia] Although she left a little to be desired in head she was as sound as you could ever wish for and with a temperament second to none. She produced 5 Champions in 2 litters & is behind all Honhazsta bull terriers. My late wife Hazel and I had been breeding Bull Terriers since 1978. Our Prefix Honhazsta is a mix of our last and first names Honnery, Hazel and Stan. My love of Bull Terriers started in Adelaide in the late 60s, Hazel's started with a Bull Terrier X she had several years before we met. When we were engaged to get married we made the decision to get a dog. The Bull Terrier was only 1 of 3 breeds I was considering but Hazel insisted it should be a Bull Terrier and bought me one as an early wedding present [ 1 year early ]. We were living in Kalgoorlie at that time so we asked family in Perth to look for a reputable breeder. When a pup was available from Kingwell kennels we made the trip to Perth to collect him. We arrived home with David [Kingwell Karlos] and were talked into showing him as he was the only registered Bull Terrier in the Eastern Goldfields. He was not a natural showman and as time went on I grew to understand he had every fault in the book with the exception of temperment and some typey qualities. He was never awarded a challenge in his short show career but this only made me more determined to have some success in showing and breeding this wonderfull breed. I had really been bitten by the bug. I went on the lookout for a bitch, I had heard that a litter had been born in Leinster, a mining town north of Kalgoorlie, Sired by Ch Geham Devils Delight [imp U.K], the Dam was a Victorian bitch Monkromony Candy Queen. From this litter my beloved Petunia [Ch Daveter Rock Follie] came into our lives and nothing was ever to be the same again, as they say the rest is history. Other than Bull Terriers we have breed and owned Bull Terrier [miniatures] for the past 19 years. We no longer breed miniatures but still have three as pets along with a lot of old retired Bullys. We keep all our older dogs as I believe when they have given you their all you should do the same for them. We have bred some 36 Champions & Western Australia's only Grand champion Several of our dogs have their R.O.M (a breed award standing for Recogntion of Merit) or at least qualified for such. We show at all breeds level as well as Breed specialty, we believe both have their place in the breed due to a more balanced approach in assessing Bull Terriers. I made an early comittment to put as much into this hobby, sport, or more aptly put - 'chosen lifestyle' as I got out of it. To that end I have served on many committees and held various positions in the dog world. Earlier committees I served on are the Eastern Goldfield's Kennel Club, The West Australian Kennel club, The Bull Terrier club of W.A [Vice President], Show Judges Training Committee as convenor for Terriers [10 cosecutive years], Protests & Disputes Tribunal, as well as many working parties, Governing Councillor of the Canine assoc of W.A, past Chairman of the Pure Breeds Protection & Government Legislation Committee, past Vice President & Committee member of The West Australian Terrier Club, I also founded and was first President of the Bull Terrier & Bull Terrier [Miniature] Assoc of W.A [life member]. I am a championship level judge for the Terrier group. My late wife Hazel had been long suffering over these many years through all the trials & tribulations, but was my number one supporter. However, much to my great sorrow and regret, Hazel has since passed - 19.10.2009. She is terribly missed, still she was my number one supporter and so very much more. I have since married my best friend of many years the wonderful Neridah. She has made my life and that of my grandson Zane so very much worth living and enjoying. Together we breed Bull Terriers and Irish Terriers under the Anluan prefix.
Ch Honhazsta Angel Eyes the result of 30 years of selective breeding Stan Honnery or Neridah Sharrett Perth, WA, Australia Phone : 9455 1059 Email : [email protected] |