Guest Book

Please feel free to sign my guestbook to let me know you visited!

  Name : christine Stead
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : looked at
Comments : Lovely to see the Weirskints Deerhounds so beautifully displayed Soile & Steve ,its been a long time since I,ve seen the photos and the new ones . Thankyou Christine & Peter Stead x x
Date : 17-Aug-15

  Name : Tristan Wright
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : google
Comments : My Girl is in her 3 rd year, and I will have to desex her soon. Dreading doing it. Love the breed and would love to propergate them further.
Date : 24-Nov-14

  Name : Joyce Brown
Web Site :
Country : USA
How you found us : browsing the web
Comments : Beautiful dogs:sorry you are not in U.S.!have loved deerhounds for years and am considering one as my gift to me.My dogs are getting older and in a year or two I'll have an empty space to fill. So am looking now as I know there will be a waiting list. Good luck to you....jb
Date : 26-Jul-11

  Name : liz mccormick
Web Site :
Country :
How you found us :
Comments : hi soile, sorry i havent been in touch,ive been we moved to our new house down the padock and weve been so busy just wanted to let you know ive just mated fly and thought you might want a pup when they are born ,ill be in touch again soon,ive put new new email address on her for you as i dont have a land line phone i had to change it. cheers liz
Date : 28-Jan-11

  Name : Doug Jansen
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Browse Irish Wolfhounds
Comments : Look like beautiful dogs
Date : 3-Apr-10

  Name : Bente
Web Site :
Country : Norway
How you found us : Deerhounds google
Comments : Lovly side and dogs.
Date : 11-Mar-10

  Name : Stephanie
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : googled deerhounds
Comments : your dogs look amazing and deseveing of all their prizes we are looking at getting another deerhound this year i can't wait i still miss our beautiful deerhound there is no other dog like them
Date : 27-Jan-09

  Name : Marja-Leena
Web Site :
Country : Finland
How you found us :
Comments : Happy New Year Your mother Mimmi and I were good friends during the time I have Howavarts 1973 - 1992. Greetings from Finland Marja-Leena
Date : 10-Jan-09

  Name : Riikka
Web Site :
Country : Finland
How you found us : Tiesinkin jo paikan!
Comments : Kiitos Soile, Thank you, kun kävit suomessa katsomassa koiriamme.
Date : 22-Jul-08

  Name : Ann Christie
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogz on line
Comments : Congratulations on your BOB at the Sydney Royal 2008 with WEIRSKINTS SCETIS. I am just starting out with my first Deerhound puppy & looking forward to lots of fun.
Date : 28-Mar-08

  Name : Jennifer
Web Site :
Country : Oz
How you found us : surfing the net for deerhounds
Comments : Your dogs are gorgeous! :o) We live in Lithgow and are looking for a dog sturdy enough for the cold changeable weather up here
Date : 9-Dec-07

  Name : Michelle
Web Site : http://bruachdeerhounds
Country : USA
How you found us : websearch
Comments : I can't believe you survived 16 puppies from a whelp. My hats off to you, amazing work on both your part and the dam's. I helped whelp a litter of 17 last summer, 12 survived, we were all exhausted before the finish. Nice site, nice dogs! Michelle
Date : 16-Jun-07

  Name : Ken Shatto
Web Site :
Country : USA
How you found us : Internet
Comments : I have been an owner of two fine Scottish deerhounds and have lost them both three years ago. I beleive I am now ready to have another. Your dogs look delightful too bad you are on the other side of the world. Cydney lived to a ripe old age of 13 years and was my constant joy.
Date : 12-Jan-07

  Name : Semen
Web Site :
Country : USA
How you found us : x
Comments : Hi! Cool site.
Date : 15-Dec-06

  Name : Linda
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : surfing
Comments : would love to have a pup,pet only, no breed or show.Love the look, style and temp. of these noble friends. Had male some years ago and cant forget him.
Date : 22-Nov-06

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Contact Details
Soile & Stephen Gendle
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Phone : 0433440348
Email : [email protected]

Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies