All of my pups are temperament tested. The object of temperament testing puppies is to see what natural drives and instincts each puppy has, and it is a way of deciding which puppy is best suited for each individual or purpose whether that is Family pet, Security patrol work, Therapy or companion work, Search and rescue, agility or obedience trialing and so on. It is vital that a pup is matched to the best place for it. For instance you would not place a prey driven, strong Alpha male with a family of small children who have little time or strength to be able to handle the dog and give it the stimulation it needs. It may be a good dog and a good family, but it’s a bad match. Likewise, a dog with very little drive and a soft character is not well suited to be a patrol or working dog.
I personally hand pick each pup and new owner to suit the needs of both the dog and the owner, so there is very little chance to have a dog returned or re-homed and both dog and owner have a great partnership and life long pleasure.
Here are some examples of puppies being tested for a range of different traits:

Desire to be touched and around different people |

Testing prey drive,desire to bite and shake different things
Possession & guarding, not afraid of the metal chain in their mouth
Curious about new objects and lack of fear
Scent work and tracking ability |

Crate training and handling introductions to new animals |
Trying out new surfaces and environments