OzYorkieRipples was established 20 years ago
as a means of enabling Yorkie lovers to chat to each other (no FB in those days).
It has flourished, through good times and bad, and
while membership is not large, it is a group of extremely caring and
friendly people from
New Zealand, USA, UK and almost all States of Australia.
It was so named as the thought of Ripples of friendship, generated
through the love of Yorkies (and other breeds, other interests), was
appealing and it has certainly lived up to its name
and lifelong friendships have been formed.
If you'd like to consider joining, send an email to
[email protected]
or go to https://groups.io/g/OzYorkieRipples and send an application to join.
Over the years we've had some great international 'meet-ups'.
Val from Singapore, Helen from the Blue Mountains, Judy from Melbourne, Alanna from Sydney
have met Ruth from Berkshire, all on different occasions.
Jan, Lyn and Mary from NZ have met several times, both in NZ and here, closer to home.
Jodie from WA has 'come to the east'.
Several of us have been to Tasmania and 'taken tea' with Dorice.
One of our 'Ripplers' passed away (2019). She was very involved in rescue and, in particular,
helping pets belonging to homeless people. We passed the hat around, and were able to
send a substantial contribution to her local vet to be used for just that purpose.
I'm sure she would have been pleased.
Also, during the recent 2020 horrific fires, Ripplers
contributed to the firies fund. God bless everyone of them.
Sadly, in July 2020 we lost another Rippler. Helen from Lithgow. Sadly missed.
