Yetholme Yorkies

Ch Yetholme Luna's Dreaming

so proud of this beautiful girl, being shown in WA by Jodie Delaney,
and well on her way to Grand Championship.

Sire: Ch Yetholme Valmura Footprints (by Ch Akimura of Padawi's)
Dam: Bozliwia Dreamy Memory (descended from Yetholme's best-loved dogs).


Aust Ch/Neuter Ch Yetholme Janluna Molly Maclean
Owned, loved, and campaigned to her dual title by Mrs M. Sharp.

Our pocket rocket, Molly is a full sister to Norah (above).


12th February 2023

20th anniversary of OzYorkieRipples
(see Ripples page)


On 20th January we were happy and relieved to welcome the safe arrival
to Australia from UK of
Auchmuir Advent at Yetholme - Maira -
Impeccable pedigree, and a sweet but feisty little girl.  With many thanks to her 

breeder for expediting Maira's arrival.

On the 22/10/23 Maira gained the final points to her
Australian Championship, ably handled and campaigned by Mrs Moira Sharp.
Many thanks, Moi.  So proud of what Maira has achieved in
such a short time.


The Dogzonline Pointscore for 2022 saw the following results:

YETHOLME, Best Breeder Yorkshire Terrier Conformation Breeder of the Year;
YETHOLME, Best Breeder Yorkshire Terrier Performance Breeder of the Year;
Aust Ch Bozliwia Lightsome Fire At Yetholme (Mrs J. Delaney),
No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier, Show Dog of the Year Competition WA;
No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier, Breed Challenge Competition WA;
Neut Ch Yetholme Lunas Snowpea (Mrs J. Delaney),
No. 1 Neuter Toy Group, WA;
No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier Neuter Competition Australia;
Aust Ch Yetholme Lunas Dreaming, No 1 Yorkshire Terrier Rising Star Competition WA;
Aust Ch Neut Ch Yetholme Janluna Molly McLean (Mrs M. Sharp),
No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier Breed Challenge Competition NSW;

Grand Ch Yetholme Esprits Dame De Coeur TK.S RE (Ms J. Clancey) and
Yetholme Jamies Heartbeat (Mrs J. Kloeden) both competed brilliantly in Rally and Agility (resp).


Dogzonline Pointscore 2021


You are eligible for one or more certificates from us to acknowledge the following achievements...


Neut Ch Yetholme Lunas Snowpea (Mrs J Delaney)
* No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier - Neuter Competition - Australia
* No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier - Neuter Competition - Western Australia

Aust Ch Bozliwia Lightsome Fire At Yetholme (Mrs J Delaney)
* No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier - Breed Challenge Competition - Western Australia



On 26th July 2021 Bozliwia Lightsome Fire at Yetholme
attained his Australian Championship.
Huge congrats to Jamie and Jodie, his owner/handler.


Huge congratulations to 
Ch Yetholme Esprits Dame de Coeur RA 
on attaining her GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP (April 2021) after the long 2020 hiatus when
there were no shows being held.  An awesome
achievement.  So proud of her and Jenny, her owner.
Not only is she a pretty face, but she's doing so well in Rally as well.

The Yorkshire Terrier is truly the dog for all reasons!!

Delighted, and very proud to announce that 
attained his Australian Neuter Championship in Perth on 27th Feb 2021 and is now well on his way
to Grand Champion.

Snowpea has his own page here.  More pics there.

Snowpea is doing so well for his owner/handler.  So very proud of both of them.
Their show results can be seen on Snowpea's profile.




Results of Dogzonline Pointscore 2019

The Dogzonline competition for 2020 and part of 2021 was cancelled due to the Covid crisis and all dog shows being cancelled.




Congratulations on your success in the 2019 Dogz Online Pointscore competition!

Neut Ch Yetholme Button Up My Heart ('Tilly')

* No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier - Neuter Competition - Australia

* No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier - Neuter Competition - New South Wales

Aust Ch Yetholme Esprits Dame De Coeur RA ('Liliane')
* No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier - Breed Challenge Competition - Victoria,
Liliane came 3rd out of 16 yorkies on the national breed challenge leaderboard.

I'm so proud of these gorgeous Yetholme babies.

And, to date, this year...

Advance® Breeder Competition 2020

Current Leader
YETHOLME (Mrs Jan Clarke)


Welcome to my web site. I hope you enjoy your visit. Take your time to
browse awhile - there is quite a lot to read and many pictures to view and enjoy. 

Feel free to have a look around and contact me if you would
like to know more, and please check back often for regular - sometimes daily - updates!
The link to subsequent pages is at the very bottom of each page.

I welcome genuine puppy enquiries.

Would love you to sign the guestbook
so we know you have visited.  Thank you.


The number of dogs suffering in this world - being tortured in Dog & Cat Meat Trade globally,
or homeless on the streets of the world, or being tortured in labs, or being killed in so-called 'shelters',
or being exploited in other ways – in dogfighting, being starved for hunting, raped, or suffering as slaves in puppy mills,
etc. - are a ZILLION times MORE than any other animal species.  they NEED our Voice in their defense.
Please go to my Stop the Cruelty page for further information.
Please take a moment to visit Soi Dog website.
They really are making a difference.

When enjoying holidays with your dog,
it's not beyond the realms of possibility that the dog becomes separated
from its family.  The image below has some good advice.
Keep your microchip details up to date.


*** See the 'All About Charli' page for Charli's latest appearance
in her important role as Yorkie-Ambassador.


The importance of dental hygiene
in your yorkie cannot be stressed enough.
Please visit
and read about the
Emmi-pet 100% Ultrasound Toothbrush for animals.
You are welcome to ask me about it, initially.

Agility - see the Agility page

Yetholme Celtic Freddie

Freddie's mum, Judy, writes.......

"Freddie had an amazing year last year (actually 18 months because the timing of the awards was changed last year). 
He was Top Dog in Regular (agility) and Touch n Go (agility without jumps) and got
places in all the other 5 events NADAC run.  He was also Top Yorkshire Terrier
worldwide (well USA, Canada and Aus) in NADAc in all events. So proud of my little man."

And we at Yetholme are so proud of both of them!!!  Freddie is now 12.
Yetholme Jamies Heartbeat has joined Freddie and Chloe,
and is looking forward to a future in Agility.


Aust Ch Yetholme Kahluas Phoennix
commenced Agility in Feb 2019
his mum writes..."Phoennix got a quali and first in novice jumping and 
agility.  Such a good boy!"
Pictured below, when he was being shown.



On 12th February, 2003, OzYorkieRipples chat group was founded.
It's a small group, but a very friendly group and a happy place to be.
Many lifelong friendships have been formed.
If you enjoy pleasant chat, yorkie chat, consider joining us.
[email protected]


Please don't let yourself be scammed.
Scammers are out of hibernation and looking for victims.
Feel free to email me if you're not sure.


  Here is our
gorgeous baby, 'Nellie', eighteen weeks young in the pic below.
Nellie is the younger sister to Tilly, below.
Nellie is now a mum to her very own babies, and they are stunning!
Daddy is Ch Bozliwia Lightsome Fire At Yetholme (Jamie)


from pet poison helpline


Below - Yetholme Button Up My Heart - 'Tilly'

Sired by Aust Ch
Eye Candy du Domaine du President (imp Fr)
Yetholme Whisper To My Heart,
beautiful lastborn daughter of
Aust Ch Brave Heart of Padawi's (imp Gmy)

Tilly, the first show dog for her 'mum',
is now, as of 28th June 2019, 
Neuter Champion.

We are very proud to announce 

Yetholme Button Up My Heart - Tilly - was awarded for 2018

* No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier - Neuter Competition - Australia

* No. 1 Yorkshire Terrier - Neuter Competition - New South Wales,

huge congrats to Tilly and her mum.

Tilly was topping the Neuter Competition for Yorkshire Terriers 2020 until
the wretched pandemic hit and competitions and shows were all cancelled.


It is tragic to hear of so
many beautiful dogs being surrendered to local pounds and shelters, some as old
as 17 or as young as a couple of months.
The shelters are overflowing and dogs are being made available at very low prices
to try and clear space for the next influx of poor
souls crying out for a forever home.
Bearing in mind that 'a puppy/dog is for life', could your
family find space and love in its heart for one of the needy dogs?
Please consider!!!

Always keep your dog's microchip details updated
so that in the event of it being lost or
stolen, there is more chance of it being reunited with its family.


to Mrs M. Sharp and

Charli is our first 'Neuter' Champion and truly a credit to the breed.
Not only is she our first Neuter Champion but she is also the first dog that
her owner has ever shown.

See Charli's page.......
'All About Charli'
Read about her progression from pet puppy to Neuter Champion.



While we are no longer showing our yorkies, our love for
this gorgeous breed remains undiminished. 


Genuine and courteous enquiries for future puppies are welcome, by email,
Jan at [email protected]  
but please do not ask for 'teacup' yorkies.

 "Breeding means you enter your breed's gene pool and leave footprints for eternity!
Take care that the footprints you leave are worthy -of being followed!" Carol Sloan

'Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me.  "Be still" they say.
"Watch and listen.  You are the result of the love of thousands".'


now in his 13th year.


They are the offspring of
Ch Akimura of Padawi's (Imp Gmy) and
Yetholme Welcome Valda.
Sadly, Valda gained her angel wings in Nov 2018 but she left behind her
a wonderful legacy in her beautiful babies. 

Prints  made his  mark by producing outstanding


 !! Xylitol the Silent Killer !!
for more info on this deadly product, go to my


above Aust Ch Brave Heart of Padawi's (imported Gmy)


Family ones. Choose only from a registered breeder.



 2011, 2012, 2013 

The ADVANCE® Best Breeder leaderboard recognises the top
breeders in this breed based on various wins and titles earned by dogs that they have bred.


  If you would like to know of anyone else who may
live in your area with a view to spending time together,
puppy playdays, etc., please contact us.  We may
be able to help put you in touch with them.


Caveat Emptor - Buyer Beware
When searching for your yorkie, please do your homework carefully, especially before
parting with any money.  If you are offered a yorkie that seems too good to be true in dollar terms,
you can bet your life that it is.  There are various scams doing the rounds at the moment.  For further
information, you are welcome to contact me via my Contact page.


Futher to the above warning, I received a disturbing phone call recently from a lady in Western Australia.  She had paid out
a considerable sum of money for a puppy, went to the airport to collect it......and it never arrived.  A scam. 
Disgusting!  How can people do this kind of thing?  The lady's children were bitterly disappointed, needless to say.
If anyone trying to buy a puppy is asked to pay by Western Union, be VERY careful.


As can be seen, yorkies are not just pretty faces, 
below is Yetholme FreeWill ChaCha
going through his paces
ChaCha  achieved his
ADX, JDX title.
I am immensely proud of ChaCha and his 'mum', Georgia.
ChaCha was his mum's very first dog, and together they achieved so much.
ChaCha left us in May 2018, aged 13, leaving a very big hole in his mum's heart.......
Hopefully, Yetholme Heart N Soul (Hula) will help to mend his mum's heart.
Hula turned two on 9th Sept 2020 and once restrictions are lifted in Qld, hopefully she'll be able to 
commence Agility.

Please take a look at our Agility pages, and consider getting involved in activities with your yorkie.

ChaCha inspired quite a few yorkies and their
owners to try agility and/or obedience, including
Judy from Victoria who is owned by Chloe and Freddie.



When searching for your puppy, do your homework carefully and purchase only from reputable breeders
Do not support puppy mills or backyard breeders
To further emphasize our concern for buying a dog from a pet store and the like please look at these links:

  Responsible breeders are very proud of their dogs and participate in activities that
add to their knowledge of the breed. 
They are constantly striving to improve the longevity
and physical traits of their chosen breed.  Their puppies are properly raised and socialised.

Please be sure to sign my guest book so that I know you have visited.





 Yetholme Yorkies    About Us    My Dogs    More About Our 'boys' 

 My Girls    Yetholme Jamies Heartbeat    Yetholme Lunas Snowpea    OzYorkieRipples 

 All about Charli    Betty's Page    September 2018 puppies    Days of our lives...... 

 Rescue/Foster/Adopt    Are You Ready for a Puppy    Our Yorkies in Agility    Grooming your Puppy 

 Raw & Natural    Boys V Girls    Hooked on Yorkies???    Rally    From previous years    Reflections    Rainbow Bridge    The Breed Standard    Testimonials/Guest Book    Contact Form    Flowers    Links    Stop The Cruelty! 



Web Graphics by Shawna

All Content Copyright

Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies