Yetholme Yorkies

Yetholme Lunas Snowpea

In a way, the Yetholme Lunas Snowpea story began 17 years ago when Jodie became the owner of
Yetholme Free Style ('Cougar').  Fourteen happy, healthy years they had together, before the inevitable happened 
and Cougar crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Cougar was with Jodie during her late teenage years, her visit to NSW for one of the Yorkie 
Yule Fests, her marriage, and the arrival of her baby girl.  His loss was heartbreaking.

In time, Jodie was ready to think about a successor to Cougar and, in due course, Snowpea was born.

Firstborn to his mum Luna, and father, Biskit, he had Jodie's name 'tacked' onto him from the very beginning.

When old enough, Snowpea and his litter brother, Banjo, took the long flight together to Western Australia,
the latter to take up residence with Lauren.

Jodie, always interested in the beautiful Yorkshire Terrier coat, soon started to think she might like to show Snowpea,
and here her journey to the show ring commences.

Snowpea, at birth.

Snowpea, now.

Snowpea and Jodie had their very first show early in Sept 2020 and Snowpea as of Feb 27th
is now an Australian Neuter Champion!!


31st October 2020 - Halloween Eve - Snowpea and Jodie won their first 'frilly',
taking out Runner Up Neuter in Group.

Since then, Snowpea has gone from success to success, with many Neuter in Groups to his credit.





Snowpea all grown up.
Snowpea, already handsome.
Snowpea, the dancer
Snowpea, the poser.
Snowpea, at his first show
Prettier by the day.



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Web Graphics by Shawna

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Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies